某个平静的小镇,时间仿佛静止一般。一场暴风雨过后,镇上的部分电力设施受损,一根名叫艾雷米(奥村知子 配音)的女性电线杆运作市场,她唉声叹气,痛苦不堪。不久,青空电力的工作人员高桥(渡边一志 配音)赶来修复。濒死的艾雷米为高桥救活,她暗暗喜欢上了这个相貌平平却心地善良的男子。思念和爱恋与日俱增,艾雷米终于鼓起勇气,通过电话和高桥聊天。随着时间的流逝,他们渐渐成为无话不说的好朋友。但是这段奇妙的缘分却为同伴们得知,艾雷米的爱情将何去何从……
The silent scandal of a utility pole, secretly lighting the outskirts of the city. The story is set during the nostalgic time before cellular phones in Japan, and tells the love story of a human and a utility pole. Elemi the power pole becomes infatuated with electrician Mr.Takahashi. Pretending she is human, she decides to ring him. But this contact is forbidden in the law of power poles. Eventually, rumors spread all over town and Elemi is summoned to court.