The British High Command finds itself in the thick of a huge dilemma when it is realized that they have long been infiltrated by spies from a German intelligence group. This all happens during the preliminary stages of the Battle of Britain.
- Battle Squadron
- Battle Command
El capitán Paul Snow está al frente de un grupo de heroicos soldados británicos. Tras desobedecer sus órdenes hace frente con éxito a un grupo de tanques alemanes. Pero el batallón tendrá que enfrentarse a su más heroica misión. Un grupo de soldados alemanes de élite se hace pasar por soldados británicos para aprovechar el desorden de la evacuación de Dunkerque y mezclarse con las tropas aliadas.
- Aguilas sobre Londres
- El largo día del águila
Captain Paul Stevens verliert auf dem Rückzug von Südfrankreich auf die heimatlich englische Insel seine gesamte Abteilung. Keiner seiner Soldaten kommt nach den Angriffen der deutschen Infanterie mit dem Leben davon. Paul fällt auf, dass den englischen Gefallenen die Kennmarken und Papiere geraubt wurden und schließt daraus, dass die Deutschen mit den geraubten Ausweisen im Convoy mit den sich zurückziehenden englischen Soldaten illegal nach England einreisen. Auf dem Rückzug rettet er Martin, einem angeblich englischen Unteroffizier, das Leben. Paul ahnt nicht, dass Martin einer deutschen Spionageeinheit angehört, die den Auftrag hat, sich in England abzusetzen und das englische Radarsystem zu sabotieren
The British High Command finds itself in the thick of a huge dilemma when it is realized that they have long been infiltrated by spies from a German intelligence group. This all happens during the preliminary stages of the Battle of Britain.
The British High Command finds itself in the thick of a huge dilemma when it is realized that they have long been infiltrated by spies from a German intelligence group. This all happens during the preliminary stages of the Battle of Britain.
The British High Command finds itself in the thick of a huge dilemma when it is realized that they have long been infiltrated by spies from a German intelligence group. This all happens during the preliminary stages of the Battle of Britain.
The British High Command finds itself in the thick of a huge dilemma when it is realized that they have long been infiltrated by spies from a German intelligence group. This all happens during the preliminary stages of the Battle of Britain.
The British High Command finds itself in the thick of a huge dilemma when it is realized that they have long been infiltrated by spies from a German intelligence group. This all happens during the preliminary stages of the Battle of Britain.
The British High Command finds itself in the thick of a huge dilemma when it is realized that they have long been infiltrated by spies from a German intelligence group. This all happens during the preliminary stages of the Battle of Britain.
A második világháború idején egy német osztag, amelynek tagjai kiválóan beszélik az ellenség nyelvét, lemészárolt angol katonák irataival Londonba indulnak. A csapat szigorúan titkos feladata egy német katonai invázió előkészítése.
L'Alto Comando britannico si trova nel bel mezzo di un enorme dilemma quando si rende conto che da tempo si sono infiltrate spie da un gruppo di intelligence tedesca. Tutto questo accade durante le fasi preliminari della Battaglia d'Inghilterra.
The British High Command finds itself in the thick of a huge dilemma when it is realized that they have long been infiltrated by spies from a German intelligence group. This all happens during the preliminary stages of the Battle of Britain.
The British High Command finds itself in the thick of a huge dilemma when it is realized that they have long been infiltrated by spies from a German intelligence group. This all happens during the preliminary stages of the Battle of Britain.
The British High Command finds itself in the thick of a huge dilemma when it is realized that they have long been infiltrated by spies from a German intelligence group. This all happens during the preliminary stages of the Battle of Britain.
The British High Command finds itself in the thick of a huge dilemma when it is realized that they have long been infiltrated by spies from a German intelligence group. This all happens during the preliminary stages of the Battle of Britain.
The British High Command finds itself in the thick of a huge dilemma when it is realized that they have long been infiltrated by spies from a German intelligence group. This all happens during the preliminary stages of the Battle of Britain.
Картина описывает драматические события 1940-го года. Фашистская Германия несет угрозу всему миру, Англия противостоит ей, но постоянные вражеские диверсии и провокации противника истощают силы страны. И на фоне всего этого — нормальные человеческие взаимоотношения…
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