Seema (Divya Bharti) is a dreamy young college student born into a wealthy family. Her father (Paresh Rawal) is a successful businessman and unlike Seema, very money-minded. Seema's schoolmate Vijay (Armaan Kohli) is a poor orphan who does very well in his studies to someday be able to afford a better life. Unaware of the consequences, Seema soon falls in love with Vijay and they both become a couple, while keeping it a secret. In class, Seema dreamily writes Vijay's name on a sheet of paper which then later gets discovered by her father. He finds out about Vijay's poor background and opposes the relationship between his daughter and Vijay. When asked about her preference to whether stay with her father and keep living a wealthy lifestyle or stay with Vijay and live the life of a poor woman, Seema chooses Vijay out of love. Her father sees himself forced to get his daughter back in another way by hiring a criminal (Kiran Kumar) to frame Vijay for murder.
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