Sous le régime Khmer rouge, Kaing Guek Eav, dit Duch, a dirigé la prison M13 pendant 4 ans, avant d'être nommé à la tête du S21, la terrifiante machine à éliminer les opposants au pouvoir en place. Quelque 12280 Cambodgiens y trouvèrent la mort. En juillet 2010, Duch fut le premier dirigeant Khmer à comparaître devant une cour de justice pénale internationale, qui le condamna à 35 de prison. Il fit appel du jugement. Alors que Duch attend son nouveau procès, Rithy Panh l'a longuement interrogé et a recueilli sa parole...
Between 1975 and 1979, the Khmer Rouge regime caused the death of some 1.8 million people, representing one-quarter of the population of Cambodia. Kaing Guek Eav, better known as Duch, was in charge at M13, a Khmer Rouge-controlled prison, for four years before being appointed by the Angkar ("the Organisation", a faceless and omnipresent entity which reigned unopposed over the destiny of an entire people) to the S21 centre in Phnom Penh. As party secretary, he commanded from 1975 to 1979 the Khmer Rouge killing machine in which at least 12,280 people perished, according to the remaining archives. But how many others disappeared, "crushed and reduced to dust", with no trace of them ever being found? In 2009, Duch became the first leader of the Khmer Rouge organisation to be brought before an international criminal justice court. Rithy Panh records his unadorned words, without any trimmings, in the isolation of a face-to-face encounter
- Duch: Masters of the Forges from Hell
- Master of the Forges of Hell
- Duch, Master of the Forges of Hell
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