Kurz vor Kriegsende 1945: Im schwäbischen Nesselbühl sind die Alliierten schon zu hören, als am Bahnhof drei Güterwaggons abgekoppelt werden. Das Schreien der darin verhungernden KZ-Häftlinge dringt durchs ganze Dorf, aber niemand traut sich, ihnen zu helfen. Erst die Wirtstochter Anna fasst sich ein Herz…
This feature film is set in the small Swabian village of Nesselbühl, Germany, in April 1945, shortly before the end of the war. The roaring guns of the approaching American troops can be heard in the distance and only Anna, daughter of an innkeeper and leader of the German Girls Society (BDM), still believes that hope can be found in trusting the Führer. But then, overnight, a train arrives at the village station bringing a horror nobody is prepared for: three cattle cars of Jewish concentration camp prisoners being moved to a new camp farther away from Allied Forces. The dying prisoners stay on the tracks for three days, strangers no one wants to be responsible for. Strangely enough, life goes on as usual in Nesselbühl. Only for young Anna will nothing be as it was again.