龙威(郑中基 饰)及好兄弟吴树喜(李灿森 饰)、黄金舟(张达明 饰)已成为警察2年了,但仍然沉迷游乐。他们几个来到了皇母瑶池村泡温泉,竟然破坏了飞虎队的围捕计划,原来是该村村民猫屎强偷走了镇村之宝的皇母娘娘像。为了平息民愤,警队决定把龙威几个派到该村当警长。村民们都觉得他们是瘟神,处处为难他们。龙威喜欢上了村中女孩小柔(杨爱瑾 饰),小柔父亲见龙威的骨骼精奇,便决定教会龙威咏春。龙威学有所成,打败了临村恶霸。因为龙威等人的善良,村民们也消除了对他们的成见。一年一度的皇母娘娘诞又来了,警方认为猫屎强会再次回到该村偷另一尊佛像,决定这次要将他绳之于法,但龙威却觉得猫屎强的到来是另有原因……
Dragon Reloaded again focuses on adventures of Lung Wai (Ronald Cheng) and his buddies. The three wacky cops, while enjoying their vacation in a quiet village on an outlying island, accidentally mess up a special operation by the SDU squad, hunting down an important criminal. The village's guardian, a Goddess Statue, also gets stolen. The Police Force decides to place Lung Wai and his buddies as local police of the village, but the trio turns out creating more jokes than anything!