Petnajstletni Klemen živi s starejšim bratom Petrom in materjo samohranilko v majhnem in odročnem podeželskem mestu. Klemnova ustaljena rutina druženja z ljubljenim bratom na teniškem igrišču in ob bližnji reki ga prekine nenadna in strastna ljubezenska afera Petra s čudovito sošolko Sonjo.
15-year old Klemen lives with his elder brother Peter and single mother in a small and remote rural town. Klemen's well-established routine of spending time with his beloved brother on the tennis court and by the nearby river gets interrupted by Peter's sudden and passionate love affair with his gorgeous classmate Sonja. This triggers a torrent of conflicting emotions and reckless actions by Klemen.
Pätnásťročný Klemen žije so svojím starším bratom Petrom a slobodnou matkou v malom a odľahlom vidieckom meste. Klemenovu zabehnutú rutinu trávenia času so svojím milovaným bratom na tenisovom kurte a pri neďalekej rieke preruší Peterov náhly a vášnivý milostný vzťah so skvelou spolužiačkou Sonjou.
15-year old Klemen lives with his elder brother Peter and single mother in a small and remote rural town. Klemen's well-established routine of spending time with his beloved brother on the tennis court and by the nearby river gets interrupted by Peter's sudden and passionate love affair with his gorgeous classmate Sonja. This triggers a torrent of conflicting emotions and reckless actions by Klemen.
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