At the wedding feast of Shen Hsiu Chang (Chung Wa), a guest named Tu Fu Liang (Lau Luk Wa) suddenly announces that he had an affair with the bride, Yun Ching . The bridegroom is furious and turns on her. She disappears sadly. The next morning, her headless body is found in a lonely spot. A couple of days later, a hunter named Wu Hsiung finds a badly decomposed human head and returns it to the widower. He is rewarded with 1000 pieces of silver as the bereaved family thinks it is the head of the dead bride.
一个黄涩段子引发的血案。这个故事告诉我们:背后搬弄是非,偷香窃玉,都是木有好结果的。 邵音音脸有点婴儿肥,完全不同于《官人我要》里面的风情。