Марчелло — маленький человек с большим сердцем и грустными глазами. Он держит парикмахерскую для собак «Догмэн» и умеет усмирить ласковым словом и питбуля, и местного громилу Симоне, который терроризирует всю округу. Марчелло мечтает увезти любимую дочку в далекое путешествие, но по доброте душевной сопровождает Симоне в его криминальных вылазках, и однажды это приводит к катастрофе. Преданный другом, Марчелло впервые в жизни решается объявить настоящую войну.
Marcello is an affable dog groomer living in a deprived coastal suburb. He has a happy life. He loves his work and his business (called 'Dogman') is thriving. He has a doting daughter who he adores and a circle of male friends in the community with whom he regularly plays football. Being liked by all and sundry is important to him. However, to afford the expensive exotic holidays his daughter desires, Marcello deals small amounts of cocaine to his friends. One such friend is Simone (Simoncino), a huge and thuggish former boxer who terrorises the community with his violent bullying behaviour. Marcello is at work with his daughter when Simone bursts in and demands that Marcello give him some cocaine. Marcello begs him to leave, pointing out his young daughter's presence, but Simone ignores his pleas. Towering over Marcello, he intimidates him into acquiescence. He snorts the coke there and then, and leaves without paying.
In una periferia sospesa tra metropoli e natura selvaggia, dove l'unica legge è quella del più forte, Marcello è un uomo piccolo e mite che divide le sue giornate tra il lavoro nel suo modesto salone di toelettatura per cani, l'amore per la figlia Sofia, e un ambiguo rapporto di sudditanza con Simoncino, un ex pugile che terrorizza l'intero quartiere.
Dans une banlieue déshéritée, Marcello, toiletteur pour chiens discret et apprécié de tous, voit revenir de prison son ami Simoncino, un ancien boxeur accro à la cocaïne qui, très vite, rackette et brutalise le quartier. D’abord confiant, Marcello se laisse entraîner malgré lui dans une spirale criminelle. Il fait alors l’apprentissage de la trahison et de l’abandon, avant d’imaginer une vengeance féroce...
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