In 1936, Doc Savage (Ron Ely) returns to New York City following a visit to his Arctic hideaway, the Fortress of Solitude#Original version. He learns that his father has died under mysterious circumstances while exploring the remote interior of the Central American Republic of Hidalgo. While examining his father's personal papers, Doc finds himself the target of an assassination attempt. Doc Savage chases and corners the sniper on the nearby Eastern Columbia Building, but the would-be assassin loses his footing and falls to his death. Examining the body, Doc discovers that his assailant is a Indigenous peoples of the Americas with peculiar markings; his fingertips are red, as if dipped in blood, while his chest bears an elaborate tattoo of the ancient Maya mythology god Kukulkan. Returning to his penthouse headquarters, Doc finds that intruders have destroyed his father's personal papers. Vowing to solve his father's murder, Doc Savage flies to Hidalgo with "Doc Savage#Doc Savage's aides", his brain trust, at his side.
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