Woran denken Eltern zuerst, wenn das Zimmer eines 15-Jährigen am Sonntagmorgen leer ist? Dass er heimlich in die Kirche geht, bringt seine sonst so aufgeschlossene Patchwork-Familie mächtig durcheinander: Was geht im Kopf des Kindes vor? Während sich die entrüstete Mutter die Pfarrerin vorknöpfen möchte, schlägt der lässige Stiefvater einen Selbsterfahrungs-Trip in die Ferne vor.
Model pupil Ben Winkler deserves only proud support, yet understanding stepfather Felix, a devoted youth worker, can barely keep bossy mother Johanna Winkler from having a go at Ben when he announces, out of the family's atheist blue, he discretely joined the Lutheran church's catechism class to do his confirmation like most classmates. Though she rages at the 'invasive' pastor Tabea, Felix talks her over to join the parents' group. Regretting to have opted out of every great celebration herself, Johanna decides to show off Ben's confirmation, but can't afford it due to her casino addiction and refuses to let his happily married father Simon help out. Gentle, sensible Ben quietly deals, helped little, with Felix 'cheating' on his ingrate mother with Tabea, suspected-queer classmate Konstantin's appropriate attention, the gambling problem, a party getting out of hand and his own failed attempt to win a US scholarship, having confided only into grumpy grandpa Alex and next Felix, who ...