Oda is a cowardly and boring man, his only redeeming feature being his diligence. He continues to live with his wife, Ayane, but they can't seem to produce children and are troubled as to whether their relationship will survive. One evening Oda returns home to find a pair of blue toy handcuffs hanging on the doorknocker. Using them, Oda humiliates Ayane. Although bewildered at first, Ayane begins to respond, and Oda becomes increasing excited as he sexually assaults her. In truth, the blue handcuffs were Ayane's contrivance. There was a time in the past when she used to reach climax...
《爱妻日记:虔诚的妻子》根据日本重松清同名小说改编拍摄的桃色DV系列片《爱妻日记》六部曲,有《烟之回忆》 、《飨宴》、《虔诚的妻子》、《蹂躏》、《童心》和《白之恋》。分别由龟井亨、绪方明、佐藤俊树、渡辺谦作、富冈忠文和齐藤久志执导。演员方面,既有石井隆《花与蛇》两部曲、三池崇史《拜访者Q》中作为配角的官能女优未向、不二子和中原翔子,也有毫无肉体表演经验、初登银幕的舞台界女优小崎友里衣。