Starý houbař najde v lese těžce raněnou ženu a téměř současně dojde nedaleko k autonehodě motocyklisty s nákladním autem. Řidič náklaďáku Honza Linhart je těžce raněn a zachránit ho může pouze transplantace ledviny. Vhodným dárcem by mohla být právě ona zraněná žena, pokud by zemřela. Případem je pověřen major Kalaš, který společně s poručíkem Martincem dojde k závěru, že šlo o loupežné přepadení. Velmi brzy se však osudy obou těžce raněných začnou podivně proplétat...
Two seriously injured patients are brought to the hospital at almost the same time: truck driver Honza Linhart, who had an accident, and a young woman found unconscious in a forest by a man picking mushrooms. The woman is identified as Katerina Marková, the divorced mother of a young girl. Major Kalas (Rudolf Hrusínský) suspects that she is a victim of mugging since a bloodstained small ax has been found near the site of the crime and, according to witnesses, Ms Marková was missing her watch and a bracelet, from which a gemstone has also been discovered. Linhart has lost his only kidney in the accident; in order to live a normal life again, he will need a kidney transplant from the mugged woman if she dies. Honza's wife learns about this from a nurse and begins to take interest in the woman. It comes to light that Marková is in fact her husband's mistress.