During the 1970s, an individual affiliated with the IRA seizes control of an Active Service Unit in London following the unintended killing of his wife. The unit is tasked with instigating turmoil and devastation, while the individual's specific objective is to track down the perpetrator responsible for his wife's death. This perpetrator happens to be an SAS captain, who is also on the hunt for the IRA member.
Um paramilitar irlandês reformado testemunha o disparo fatal da sua mulher grávida por um oficial da SAS. Depois de enganar o SAS, agora ferido e presumivelmente morto, ele foge, levando a sua vingança para as ruas escuras de Londres dos anos 1970.
Egy nyugalmazott ír katona szemtanúja lesz annak, ahogy egy SAS-tiszt halálos lövést ad le a terhes feleségére. Miután túljár az SAS-tisz eszén, az immár sebesült és halottnak hitt férfi megszökik, és bosszúját az 1970-es évek Londonjának sötét utcái szenvedik meg.
Português - Portugal