This post-World War II drama, (released to a world-wide audience on July 9, 1949), is definitively unique for the caliber of each of its contributing writers, who are clearly better-known for their cinematic talents in black and white . For instance, the film's Director Chano Urueta ( who became an acclaimed actor in his own right), actually co-wrote the script along with one of its principal actresses, namely Esther Fernandez, as well as adding in the literary abilities of a well-known movie-producer of the era named Luis Marique. As such, its is somewhat ironic the final co- writer who contributed to this joint-effort was actually its only full-time, professional writer, (and best-selling Novelist at the time), author Jose Maria Carretero. In fact, by all accounts, the original idea for this movie was loosely based on his book, entitled "El Caballero Audaz"
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