The movie begins with Harry (Pryce), an actor who hasn't worked in over a year, and his wife Buffy (Davis), an ex-showgirl, traveling by car on their "second honeymoon". After staying overnight at a motel, the owner (Black) informs Harry of previous nuclear testing taking place in the town. The following day, their Bentley eventually breaks down, leading them to run out of water in the middle of the desert. Harry insists on staying with the car rather than to look for help. While Harry sleeps in the back seat, Buffy notices a light in the distance and follows it, leading her to the front door of a cabin belonging to a widower named Boy (Phoenix). He drives with her to rescue Harry. After mentioning he is 18 Hopi Native American, Boy reveals a cave filled with candles and voodoo dolls that he believes have magical powers, which he spends his time making waiting for the world to end.
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