Laura, una chica poco agraciada que vive con una madre autoritaria, ve con tristeza y amargura cómo sus amigas se van casando mientras que ella no encuentra un hombre que la lleve al altar. Por si esto fuera poco, es víctima de una pesada broma por parte de un grupo de gamberros sin escrúpulos, que realizan un sorteo para decidir cuál de ellos se burlará de Laura haciéndole creer que quiere casarse con ella. Pero el bromista se verá enredado en una trampa de la que no sabe cómo salir debido al endemoniado carácter de la madre.
Laura is a girl of good economic position whose physique is nothing of the other world, but with a heart of one in a million. As a student, he rejected the proposal of Periquito, a classmate of his who was deeply in love with her, for considering him a bit "dumb." But time has passed and, year after year, Laura has been checking how her friends and acquaintances have been marrying one after another, while she remains single after twenty years since she lost that opportunity with Periquito. Because of all this, Laura feels very unhappy. One day, desperate, she buys an image of San Antonio to help her in her desire to find a husband. And what will not be his surprise that, at once and blow, appear to him no less than three suitors at the same time. Laura ends up choosing one of them, whom she and her mother are practically kidnapped for the remaining seven days for the wedding .