捣蛋大王范小闲(张亮 饰)与正义少女李心(张雨绮 饰)从小就水火不容,一次争执后范小闲诅咒李心一辈子嫁不出去。长大成年后的范小闲虽事业有成,却遭遇婚姻、健康双重危机,李心也如他“诅咒”所说一直单身成为剩女……一对随时爆发、争执不断的冤家,怀揣各自不可告人的目的,挤进同一 辆车,行驶在美利坚美丽的公路上……
The troublemaker Fan Xiaoxian and the justice girl Li Xin have been incompatible with each other since childhood. After a dispute, Fan Xiaoxian cursed Li Xin for not being able to marry forever. Fan Xiaoxian, who grew up in adulthood, had a successful career, but suffered a double crisis of marriage and health. Li Xin has been single as a leftover woman, as he "cursed"... The purpose of the complaint is to squeeze into the same car and drive on the beautiful highways of the United States...