Mentre una cometa transita a distanza ravvicinata dalla Terra, otto amici si ritrovano per trascorrere una serata insieme. Una normale riunione tra conoscenti si trasforma allora in tragedia quando alcuni strani eventi cominciano a verificarsi.
В ночь падения кометы восемь друзей на званом обеде становятся участниками цепи странных и загадочных событий.
Eight friends reunite at a dinner party when a comet passes. Kevin asks Emily if she wants to come with him on his business trip to Vietnam, and she doesn't say yes. Kevin's ex-girlfriend Laurie is also at the dinner, and she wants him back. A power outage occurs. The hosts have some glow sticks that they use for light, and they decide to use the blue glow sticks. Everyone goes outside and sees one house up the street that still has power. When they go back inside, a glass is broken, which they didn't notice before. Hugh and Amir go to the other house to ask to use their phone, and a few minutes later they come back with a box. Inside they find a ping-pong paddle and pictures of themselves, including one that was taken that night, with numbers written on the back. On a notepad, Emily writes down the numbers from the box, looking for a pattern, but they can't find one. Hugh says that at the other house he saw a dinner party set for eight people.
Un soir, alors qu’une comète s’apprête à passer au-dessus de Los Angeles, Em se rend à un dîner entre amis et s’aperçoit en route que son téléphone portable ne marche plus. Une fois arrivée, les personnes présentes évoquent des faits étranges qui se seraient produits dans des circonstances similaires. Brusquement, la maison se retrouve plongée dans le noir. Selon Em, les événements inexplicables qui s’ensuivent sont le fait de l’un des invités qui agirait avec la complicité de résidents malveillants et potentiellement dangereux d’une habitation voisine. Alors que la tension est à son comble, les convives font une découverte inattendue qui changera, pour chacun et à jamais, le cours de son existence.
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