韓順雲,一個大學學務處雇員退休的未婚老婦,兄姊結婚移民美國多年,伴隨她生活的是年邁的老母。 她們的關係看似彼此依賴,更像是相互折磨。 年屆六十未婚的韓順雲,為了照顧母親,提早從大學行政人員離職。兄姊結婚移民美國多年,只留她一人孤單地照料著越漸老朽的母親。 雨不停的港口山邊,一棟即將拆除的老屋,從內部自家的整潔維持到外部設施的整理修補,順雲不屈服地維護著老屋的完整健全,一如她對待自己的生命。儘管明知最終她仍會失去一切,但在那天尚未到來之前,她依然奮力捍衛…。
A mountainside port, where rain never stops; an old neighborhood about to face demolition. Cloudy is in her sixties and has never been married. She is taking care of her frail mother all by herself. Their co-dependent relationship appears to be more like mutual torture. On this day, Cloudy is sexually assaulted by a group of teenage burglars. And it's all because of her mother.