Clint Harrison es un temible pistolero, que siempre anda perseguido por los que le quieren retar para ganar fama. Mientras continua su eterna huida, Clint busca de forma desesperada a su mujer y a su hijo.
In CLINT THE STRANGER (CLINT EL SOLITARIO), also widely known as CLINT THE NEVADA'S LONER, Martin plays Clint Harrison, a gunfighter who has been on the run from a vengeful family for years. He returns to his home town to discover that his wife (Marianne Koch of FISTFUL OF DOLLARS fame) has taken his son and fled north to escape his unsavory reputations. Following her in an attempt to make amends, he rides into the middle of a land-grab war between a group of desperate farmers and an unscrupulous rancher named Shannon (Walter Byrnes from THE BIG GUNDOWN) and his brutal foreman (the always reliable Fernando Sancho). Promising his wife that he won't use this gun, Clint must stand by as Shannon's men eliminate the farmer's in a series of well-staged set pieces calculated to make the audience anticipate the inevitable moment when Clint is forced to turn his guns and settle accounts.
- Clint the Nevada's Loner
- Nevada Clint
- Clint, the Lonely Nevadan
Vor Jahren hat Julie ihren Mann Clint, einen Revolverhelden, wegen seines Lebensstils verlassen. Nun findet Clint Julie und seinen kleinen Sohn in Saddle Wood. Um die beiden zurückzugewinnen und seinem Sohn ein guter Vater zu sein, schwört er der Gewalt ab und händigt Julie seinen Revolver aus. Doch dann tyrannisiert ein skrupelloser Viehzüchter mit seinen Gehilfen die Gegend. Clint greift erneut zur Waffe und beginnt einen einsamen Kampf.
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