Eva a Honzík si pro zábavu vymodelují z neznámé hmoty dvě chobotničky. Nic netuší, že hmota je živá a dokonce mluví. Kolem nich se začnou dít prapodivné věci. Film vznikl sestřihem stejnojmenného tv. seriálu, vyrobeného pro Německo. Pokračování viz Veselé vánoce přejí chobotnice
While on vacation with their bickering parents, young Eva and her little brother Johnny find in a polluted lake two strange friendly sentient octopuses made of strange material that attracts electricity. They take them as pets.
While on vacation with their bickering parents, young Eva and her little brother Johnny find in a polluted lake two strange friendly sentient octopuses made of strange material that attracts electricity. They take them as pets.
While on vacation with their bickering parents, young Eva and her little brother Johnny find in a polluted lake two strange friendly sentient octopuses made of strange material that attracts electricity. They take them as pets.