Hannah przybywa do rodzinnego miasteczka Gatlin w Nebrasce, aby poznać okoliczności śmierci matki, która zginęła wiele lat temu. Mieszkańcy miasteczka doskonale wiedzą co się stało i twierdzą, że winny jej śmierci jest prorok Isaac, wówczas opętany przez "Tego, Który Kroczy Między Rzędami". W chwili obecnej Isaac leży w pobliskim szpitalu w stanie śpiączki. Gdy Hannah przybywa do Gatlin, Isaac niespodziewanie się budzi, aby wypełnić przepowiednię.
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Hannah, the first child born of the original Gatlin corn cult, visits the town of Gatlin to find her real mother. On the way, she picks up a street preacher by the name of Zachariah whose car broke down. He tells her about her name, and then vanishes. After crashing into a corn field a lady sheriff suddenly appears and takes Hannah to a hospital in town. Once there, she finds out Isaac was not killed by "He Who Walks Behind The Rows" after the death god took control of his body in the first film, but instead went into a coma. The hospital appears to be filled with strange patients who speak of a prophecy involving Hannah and Isaac before the scene changes.
Hannah retorna à sua cidade natal para descobrir quem é sua mãe. No caminho, ela oferece carona para um homem estranho que relaciona a vida dela com uma passagem na Bíblia. Quando ela chega ao seu destino, desperta Isaac de um coma que durou 19 anos.
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