盛琴(艾丽娅 饰)的父亲盛先生(王德顺 饰)患上了老年痴呆症,每况愈下,最终生活无法自理。为了照顾父亲的饮食起居,盛琴雇佣了一位名叫棉花(颜丙燕 饰)的保姆。盛先生的记忆虽然每日都在消减,但唯独念念不忘的是已经过世多年的妻子,棉花刚刚上任没多久,便屡屡被盛先生误认为是妻子,惹出了不少的麻烦,棉花的为人品性亦遭到了盛琴的质疑。
"The Song of Cotton" based on the America's National Book Award and the PEN/Hemingway Award winner China-born author Ha Jin's novel "A Pension Plan". The young woman Mianhua ("Cotton") gets a job that she has no past experience of: a full-time caretaker. Her client is an old stubborn boxer who suffers from Alzheimer's disease with a son (with his later wife) living overseas taking no care of him, and a daughter with his ex-wife who hires Mianhua. Yet the daughter distrusts and despises all nannies for "knows only lying, abusing, and taking advantages"; so is her attitude towards Mianhua. Under the same roof, however, the old man and Mianhua start to develop a trusty and warm relationship over time where he even starts to mistake Mianhua as his ex-wife whom he owed a love debt to. All of a sudden, Mianhua finds out that she got pregnant...