The film is based on the short stories of Bulgarian writer Konstantin Konstantinov (1890-1970). The action takes place against the background of the events of May 19, 1934 when after a coup d'état parliament was suspended, all political parties were dissolved and a German-style totalitarian regime was established in Bulgaria. In the new social atmosphere the dormant power ambitions of 'citizens of unblemished reputation and clean personal records' woke up. The action takes place in a small provincial town. The main character is a maid in a hotel 'Central Hotel'. She has been exiled here for leading an 'immoral life'. The owner often forces her to entertain important guests and she has no choice but to comply. Once, a company of actors arrives in the hotel. A pretty actress of a touring theater company is dreaming of getting to the top in the capital. Tinka, the chambermaid finds herself in the thick of the action. The girl watches the leading actress with awe
български език
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