Nelsa and her son Vladimir, poor residents of a port town in Cuba, are facing important decisions just now. So far, the thirty-year-old with Down syndrome has been a source of great distress for his mother. Now, confronted with her illness and disability, he has to take over control at home or these two people who are the closest to each other will have to part. The film captures the slow change of relations between the characters.
Касабланка — маленькое рыболовецкое поселение в Гаване. 76-летняя Нельса и ее 37-летний сын Владимир, у которого синдром Дауна, делят крохотную комнату в постройке, где живет множество других семей. Владимир — единственный, кто может позаботиться о Нельсе, и только она способна присмотреть за своим сыном.
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