阿根廷的70中期,鉴于摇滚乐是当时唯一能细数真相的方式,军事独裁政府封禁了大量摇滚乐。 本片记录的是当时的一场摇滚乐音乐节a-la Woodstock的始末,包括对歌手和人群的采访
Since mid 70's, a military government banned most of rock songs in Argentina. Rock was the only way of telling what was happening. When the 80's began, democracy came back to the country. But, before that, a debilitated government allow a big concert a-la Woodstock, but without that magic. There was made in a stadium transformed in a rock place. This movie is a sequence of the four weekends that made that show. There's music from the beginning to the end. Some interviews with the musicians and the crowd complete an historic event.