When the patriarch of the Toda family suddenly dies, his widow discovers that he has left her with nothing but debt and married children who are unwilling to support her--except for her most thoughtful son, just returned from China.
When the patriarch of the Toda family suddenly dies, his widow discovers that he has left her with nothing but debt and married children who are unwilling to support her--except for her most thoughtful son, just returned from China.
Après la mort de son époux, une femme et sa fille sont accueillies avec froideur dans le foyer du fils marié.
When the patriarch of the Toda family suddenly dies, his widow discovers that he has left her with nothing but debt and married children who are unwilling to support her--except for her most thoughtful son, just returned from China.
When the patriarch of the Toda family suddenly dies, his widow discovers that he has left her with nothing but debt and married children who are unwilling to support her--except for her most thoughtful son, just returned from China.
When the patriarch of the Toda family suddenly dies, his widow discovers that he has left her with nothing but debt and married children who are unwilling to support her--except for her most thoughtful son, just returned from China.
When the patriarch of the Toda family suddenly dies, his widow discovers that he has left her with nothing but debt and married children who are unwilling to support her--except for her most thoughtful son, just returned from China.
После смерти мужа, госпожа Тода и её младшая дочь сталкиваются с неприязнью остальной семьи.
Felesége születés napjának megünneplése után Toda úr rosszul lesz, ágynak esik és meghal. Felesége és hajadon lánya halála után magára marad: a legidősebb fiútestvér Kínába utazik, ott vállal munkát, így bár az ő kötelezettsége lenne, hogy gondoskodjék anyáról és húgáról, ez a feladat a többi testvére hárul. Szecuko és idős anya azonban mindenhol útban vannak: először az idősebb fiútestvérhez költöznek, majd Szecuko nővéréhez. Szecuko megalázónak érzi helyzetüket: munkát akar találni, hogy saját lábára álljon, saját lakást tudjon bérelni és önerejéből tudja támogatni idős anyját. Mikor apjuk halálának egy éves évfordulójára a legidősebb fiútestvér hazautazik Kínából, kifejezi rosszalását anyja és Szecuko helyzetével kapcsolatban. (kilencesterv.com)
Na de dood van hun vader zit de familie Toda met grote schulden. Mevrouw Toda probeert samen met haar jongste dochter onderdak te vinden bij één van haar getrouwde kinderen. Ze worden echter van het ene naar het andere huishouden gestuurd.
한 가족의 몰락과 재건에 관한 이야기를 담고 있는 이 작품은 당시 흥행과 작품성에서 모두 성공한 초기작으로 장면간의 전환 또는 휴지부로 기능하는 여백 쇼트의 사용, 움직임이 없는 정적인 카메라 등 가장 오즈적이라고 특징지을 수 있는 후기 작품들의 양식과 내러티브 형태가 특징적으로 드러나는 작품이다. 경제계의 거물이었던 도다씨의 갑작스러운 죽음 이후 둘째 아들 쇼지로는 중국 천진으로 돈을 벌기 위해 떠나고 남은 도다 부인과 막내 딸 세츠코는 귀찮은 존재로 외면당한 채 형제들 집을 전전하다 결국 처분조차 힘든 바닷가의 낡은 집으로 옮겨간다. 도다씨의 기일을 지내기 위해 천진에서 돌아온 쇼지로는 어머니와 여동생에 대한 형제들의 태도에 대해 분통을 터트린다.
When the patriarch of the Toda family suddenly dies, his widow discovers that he has left her with nothing but debt and married children who are unwilling to support her--except for her most thoughtful son, just returned from China.
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