يحاول الطفل اليتيم نور، الذي يبلغ من العمر 13 سنة، اكتساب احترام زملائه؛ من خلال دخول منزل مهجور أمام المدرسة، يخاف الأولاد المرور بقربه ليكتشف أن الذي يسكنه رجل عجوز يعيش هناك، مختبئاً من العالم. تنشأ صداقة وعلاقة تربوية بين الصبي والرجل العجوز، ما يدفع بهما إلى رحلة لاكتشاف الذات.
Nour is a 13-year-old orphan living in the countryside in the early 1980s. He is smart, but is also a compulsive liar with vision problems and wears eyeglasses that don't quite remedy his weakened eyesight. To gain the respect of his fellow classmates, he ventures inside a haunted house right in front of the school, one that all the kids are afraid to enter. Inside, he finds a solitary old man who's hiding from the world. A friendship and apprenticeship are born between the boy and the old man, initiating a journey of self-discovery that lies at the very heart of this light-hearted drama.
- Bara Al Manhag
- Extracurricular