Based upon documentation of forced confessions made during the Khmer Rouge era in Cambodia, and recovered during the 1980s, Bophana: A Cambodian Tragedy reconstructs the relationship of a young woman, Hout Bophana, and Ly Sitha, a former Buddhist monk turned Khmer Rouge cadre. Bophana and Sitha met before the fall of Phnom Penh. Sitha, disgusted by the corruption of the Lon Nol regime, joined the Communist Khmer Rouge resistance, and the couple was separated. After Phnom Penh's residents were forced to leave by the Khmer Rouge, Bophana and Sitha were reunited, only to both be caught up in the genocidal regime's purges, in which they were arrested and taken to S21 prison, where they were tortured and forced to make confessions before they were both executed in 1977.
- Bophana: A Cambodian Tragedy
À travers le destin tragique d'une jeune femme Hout Bophana et de son mari Ly Sitha, ce film propose de revenir sur les années sombres du Cambodge.
Révolté par la corruption du régime Lon Nol, Ly Sitha rejoint les maquisards communistes. Les deux jeunes gens se perdent de vue, s'écrivent, se retrouvent après la prise de Phnom Penh.
La victoire des Khmers rouges sera pour eux aussi le début du cauchemar.
Arrêtés, torturés, contraints à d'invraisemblables aveux, ils seront tous deux exécutés en 1976.