Для скотовода Сосаны пастбище в Зеленой долине было всем. Но пришли геологи, зашумели машины - и старая долина изменила свой облик. Скот и семьи пастухов переселяются в деревню, на современную благоустроенную ферму, и только Сосана не желает переезжать.
A group of geologists discover oil under the fields where Sosana, the aged and anachronistic father, raises his herd with his unhappy wife, her friend and his growing boy with whom he displays a wonderful rapport. The land is invaded by big machinery that feels remarkably alien to the serene and natural aesthetic of the valley. The family all enjoys the pleasures and storytelling capacity a slide projector grants them, but it too feels distinctly out of place in a town with no plumbing.
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