便衣民警老张(张立宪 饰)在酒桌上跟一帮兄弟们开怀畅饮,用歌声道出了北京的苦辣酸甜。他们潜伏在川流不息的人群中,伺机而动,抓捕违法犯罪人员:无论是用电子干扰汽车车锁盗取财物的,还是用残疾人作诱饵碰瓷的,无论是拉帮结派的梁上君子,还是招摇撞变的算命先生……全都逃不过老张的法眼。老张的事迹甚至还上了北京电视台的纪录片。然而,眼看犯罪分子一个个落网,老张的内心却陷入了迷惘。他也是上有老下有小的普通人。多年的打拼,令老张的身体也亮起了红灯,他有哮喘,有高血压,但是为了抓贼,他努力地克服着自己的困难。然而,他门口总有一个不离不弃的尾随者,很多光怪陆离的事件接连发生,令老张和他的弟兄们猝不及防…… 本片根据北京市海淀分局双榆树派出所民警张慧领的真实事迹改编。本片为高群书《“你”系列:1930-2030》系列,张立宪、孔二狗、王小山、作业本、宁财神等约30位微博名人倾力加盟。
Beijing police officer Zhang Hui Ling, who patrols Haidian District's Shuangyushu neighborhood in Beijing, has a job to do. Every day, he has to go out in the street with his cohort of security guards who speak a bewildering array of accents from all over China, and track down and arrest thieves, hucksters, and con artists. And he's good at it; after more than 10 years on the force, Zhang Hui Ling has an uncanny ability to sniff out criminals from the throngs of people passing through his district. He needs those skills in Shuangyushu, a migrant neighborhood where criminals congregate. Like the car thief who steal BMW's and Mercedes with interface gadgets he buys on the Internet, or the family gang who crash cars into passing automobiles and demand settlement on the spot, or the currency counterfeiters, con artists who dress as monks to defraud religious old women in crisis, or the former thief who was injured during his last arrest and now hounds his unemployed younger brother for ...