香港一名連環殺手逍遙法外,謀殺咗高級夜總會嘅女主人。 作為對她們片狀作風同缺乏紀律嘅懲罰,兩名年輕差婆被指派做臥底,充當女主人,以抓捕施虐者。 喺解決罪行嘅同時,佢哋發現邊個係該市一些毒品交易嘅幕後黑手。 試圖阻止緊呢個企業,佢哋從事冇命令,佢哋必須面對犯罪主嘅日本打女人。
Ein Killer ermordet am laufenden Band Prostituierte. Um seine Identität zu enthüllen werden die Polizistinnen Grace und Allan (Moon Lee) in einen Hostessen-Club als Undercoveragentinnen eingeschläust. Dort stoßen sie auf weitere verbrecherische Aktivitäten...
A serial killer is loose in Hong Kong, murdering hostesses from high class night clubs. As punishment for their flaky style and lack of discipline, two young policewomen are assigned to work undercover as hostesses to catch the sadist. While solving that crime, they discover who's behind some of the city's drug trade. In trying to halt this enterprise, which they undertake without orders, they must face the crime lord's Japanese hit woman.