An ex-con has spent the last ten years of his life in prison for defending the lives of his best friend and his best friend's sister. While in jail he learns to become a teacher's aide. In school he comes across these troubled teens who start hanging around a sleazy low-level triad that runs a video arcade, luring kids by exchanging games for drug running. He eventually befriends the kids pissing off the triad who gets him fired by digging up dirt on his past. But he doesn't care, he proposes to his girlfriend and she says yes but a student is still held under the grasp of the triad. So he goes back into action to try and free the kid and ridding the neighborhood of the sleazy scumbag. Can he reach the kid and change the kid's ways? Will the ex-con and his girl live happily ever after?
绰号 “恐龙” 的黑帮人物荣曾因杀人入狱,出狱后性情大变,竟选择在一所私立学校担任校工,后更因机缘巧合成为代课老师。以学生杰仔为首的 “五大天王”,视黑社会为英雄人物,经常捉弄老师,荣强忍怒火,委曲求全,反令杰仔等人意气风发。荣全心全意教导学生,痛斥黑社会的真面目,更在一次街头殴斗中勇救杰仔,令学生们深受感动,与此同时,荣以前的黑社会身份被揭穿,他只有选择黯然离开……