Balıkçı Ahmet karıştığı bir kavgada, bir adamı gözünden yaraladığı için üç yıl hapse mahkûm olur. Karısının ölümünden sonra Ahmet’in kızı Ayla’ya, komşu kızı Aysel göz kulak olur. Hapiste kaldığı sürece Aysel, Ayla ve Ahmet’in arkadaşı Hamza, her fırsatta Ahmet’i ziyarete gelirler. Ahmet, hapisten çıkınca Hamza’nın tamirhanesinde çalışmaya başlar ve Aysel ile evlenmek üzere sözleşir. Fakat bir gün tamirhaneye gelen Necla, Ahmet’in plânlarını altüst edecektir.
The naval officer Ahmet is jailed after a fight, so his neighbors Gul and her mother take care of his little daughter Ayla. Gul is in love with Ahmet. As Ahmet is released from prison, he starts work at his friend's workshop. Ahmet and Gul are dating which makes Hasan, the tramp jealous. Ahmet's customer Necla, the bar singer, gets attracted to him. Necla and Hasan make a plot to part the two lovers and it works, yet Ahmet regrets it and goes back to Gul. Hasan and Necla has further troubles in line: Hasan kidnaps Ayla. While Ahmet tries to save his daughter he struggles with Hasan and unintentionally kills Necla. Hasan dies too. Ahmet thinks about committing suicide for having killed someone, but Gul and Ayla come and prevent him from doing so. He surrenders to the police.