The extraordinary story of Amy Winehouse’s early rise to fame from her early days in Camden through the making of her groundbreaking album, Back to Black that catapulted Winehouse to global fame. Told through Amy’s eyes and inspired by her deeply personal lyrics, the film explores and embraces the many layers of the iconic artist and the tumultuous love story at the center of one of the most legendary albums of all time.
Her music. Her life. Her legacy.
Biopic über das Leben der britischen Jazz- und Soulikone Amy Winehouse, die im Alter von 27 Jahren an einer Alkoholvergiftung starb.
Back to Black retrace la vie et la musique d'Amy Winehouse, à travers la création de l'un des albums les plus iconiques de notre temps, inspiré par son histoire d’amour passionnée et tourmentée avec Blake Fielder-Civil.
Historia przedstawia intensywną podróż do sławy Amy Winehouse w jej młodych latach. To także próba zrozumienia osobistych demonów, które doprowadziły do śmierci artystki w wieku 27 lat.
Jej muzyka. Jej życie. Jej legenda.
La storia della cantante britannica Amy Winehouse dal suo esordio sino alla popolarità con l'album Back to Black.
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