日本一を目指す藤見学園バレークラブに、濱城の四天王が加わりました。 しかし、四天王の一人、ユリは手首を痛め、バレーボールができなくなります。 かつて変色で他校のスパイになったゆりは、こずえらの励ましで陸上部に頑張ろうと決意。 そして最後に全国大会。 大胆に優勝を続ける藤見学園が、回転レシーブの達人柿内がいる福岡中学校との決勝戦に突入!!!
Le second film récapitulatif des Attaquantes. Celui-ci couvre les épisodes 7 à 14 de la série.
The four heavenly kings of Hamaki have joined the Fujimi Gakuen Valley Club, which aims to be the best in Japan. However, one of the four heavenly kings, Yuri, hurts her wrist and becomes unable to play volleyball. Yuri, who once became a spy at another school due to discoloration, decides to throw her best in the track and field club with the encouragement of Kozue and others. And finally the national tournament. Fujimi Gakuen, which continues to win daringly, has finally reached the final match with Fukuoka Junior High School, where the master of rotating receive, Kakinouchi, is present!!!