Arve Rezzle nos traslada al año 2022, en el que la humanidad continúa su imparable evolución hacia la singularidad tecnológica (el punto en el que la tecnología supera la capacidad humana). El NLN permite superar todas las barreras físicas impuestas por las pantallas, teclados e interfaces táctiles, conectando el sistema nervioso humano directamente a redes externas, permitiendo así que las personas puedan navegar libremente por la red. Sin embargo, cuando la barrera entre los hombres y las máquinas comienza a desmoronarse, la consciencia de decenas de miles de personas se pierde en la red, causando una crisis a la que llaman “Grieta Anticipada”. Un muchacho llamado Remu decide intentar recuperar el alma de su hermana pequeña, la cual se ha perdido en la red.
A cyber battle sci-fi. In 2022, the technology of quantum computing has greatly advanced and many people have transferred their mind into cyber space. Remu's sister, Shiki, skipped grades and entered a high school in the academic city "Okinotori-island Mega Float City (OMFC)" when she was 14. One day, Shiki confessed to her brother via Skype that she was talking to him directly from the cyber space and that her real body had been kept in a water tank filled with a culture medium. It's called "body pool" and Shiki connected to the network by nanomachines implanted in her brain. Remu was surprised but he accepted her decision until an accident called "Early Rupture" happened. The network server got overloaded and users' minds were lost in cyber space leaving soulless living bodies in the body pools. In order to bring Shiki's mind back, Remu visits her apartment in OMFC and there meets Shiki escaped from the hospital. But the girl tells him that she is not Shiki and she happened to have taken over Shiki's body. When Remu tries to figure out the situation, a violent attack strikes the apartment.
Siamo nel 2022 si vive in modo sempre più tecnologico: è l’avvento di computer, che sorpassano l’uomo. Grazie all’invenzione di una nuova nano-tecnologia l’umano e la macchina possono interfacciarsi, e le “Nerve-seller Linker Nano-machines” (NLN) - dei micro mezzi di telecomunicazione, che sfruttano la connessione wireless ed emulano i neuroni - dopo essere state messe in commercio, sono diventate di uso comune. Le NLN, rendono superflui display, testiere e tuouch-sceen, poiché connettono il sistema nervoso direttamente al network virtuale, permettendo di collegare direttamente la propria mente al sistema. Quando le barriere tra umano e macchina cominciano a cadere, le controindicazioni non tardano ad arrivare: decine di migliaia di persone si perdono nella rete, il fenomeno viene denominato "Early Rupture". In questo contesto Remu Mikage cerca di ritrovare l’anima di sua sorella, Shiki Mikage, caduta nell’oblio della rete.
Português - Portugal