
In Harlem, Manhattan Island, New York City, Little Orphan Annie lives in foster care with several other girls under the care of Colleen Hannigan, a bitter former singer who spends her days drinking or trying to find a husband. Annie spends Fridays waiting outside ''Domani's'' restaurant, believing her parents will come for her because a note written on a receipt from ''Domani's'' says they would return. When a city inspector checks on Hannigan's treatment of the girls, Annie takes advantage of the situation; she manages to copy her social security number from his clipboard and heads off to get her information. Annie learns that there's nothing more about her than what she already knows.

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Will Gluck

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1 76 vincent2n

This is a list of film remakes. Excluded in this list are films that are based on the same source material. Reboots are also omitted. This list is ordered by the title of the original film, inasmuch as there can be multiple remakes.

Annie Movies

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