The film was reviewed as "Inspiring" (The Plain Dealer), "Chilling" (Village Voice), "Breathtaking" (Filmthreat), and "Stunning" (WCBE), and praised particularly for the performances of the lead actors. It was categorized in the Emirates Airlines onboard playlist as "one of the four great movies from around the world". The film was highlighted in the World Development Report 2017 as an example of how authentic filmmaking can impact policies. The film was screened at international film festivals around the world, winning multiple awards, including the "Special Jury Award for Bridging Cultures" at the Arizona International Film Festival and "Best Feature" at the Boston International Kid's Film Festival. The film is playing on American Airlines International Flights and Emirates Airlines International Flights. The story is about a ten year old, good-hearted, boy who discovers a gold coin. Consumed by greed, his life spirals out of control.
Eine junge Frau findet sich in einer zerfallenden Welt wieder, aus der es nur einen Ausweg geben kann ...