Seventeen-year-old Amber and best friend Sebastian refuse to let society label their gender. Moving through a spectrum of fluid identities, they dream together, party together, and form friendships with like minded people. The queer teenagers inhabit an open and loving world far away from the judging eyes of others, in which everything seems possible. But when Amber falls in love with Charlie, their utopian world is shaken to its core. Trust issues begin to emerge, and in the midst of it all, Amber has to face going through their transition alone.
Amber je sedmnáct a je nebinární. Spolu se svým nejlepším kamarádem Sebastianem žijí bezstarostný život plný snů a parties, aniž by se zamýšleli, co bude zítra? Zdá se, že je jim liberální a moderní svět nakloněn, a že neexistuje nic, co by jejich utopii narušilo. Idylický svět ale nabourá realita, láska, zábrany a nedorozumění. Amber nad sebou začne pochybovat a ztrácet kontrolu, až nakonec zůstává v kritické chvíli úplně sama.
17살 앰버와 절친 세바스티안은 자신들의 젠더를 규정하려 드는 사회를 거부한다. 그들은 유연하게 정체성의 스펙트럼을 오가며 함께 꿈을 꾸고 파티를 즐기며 비슷한 생각을 하는 사람들과 우정을 쌓는다. 이 퀴어 십대들은 남의 시선에서 멀리 떨어진 채 모든 것이 가능해 보이는 사랑 넘치고 열린 세상에서 살아간다.
Português - Brasil
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