Groups of super powered people begin a war that will bring the city they live in crumbling down. Allegiances of super powered people fight for control of a young girl, who holds the ultimate power to control anything and everyone in the city. They will begin a war that in the end could bring the entire city crumbling down.
Groups of super powered people begin a war that will bring the city they live in crumbling down. Allegiances of super powered people fight for control of a young girl, who holds the ultimate power to control anything and everyone in the city. They will begin a war that in the end could bring the entire city crumbling down.
Maapalloa on kohdannut kammottava tapahtuma ja joukko ihmisiä on saanut supervoimat. He päättävät pelastaa maailman. Vai näinkö sittenkään?
קבוצה של אנשים עם כוחות נלחמים על השליטה בנערה צעירה, המחזיקה בעוצמה האולטימטיבית לשלוט בכל דבר ובכל תושבי העיר. הם יתחילו מלחמה שבסופו של דבר יכולה להביא את העיר כולה להתמוטטות.
Dwie wrogie sobie grupy bohaterów o nadprzyrodzonych mocach stają do walki o kontrolę nad rodzinnym miastem.
가까운 미래, 기상 이변으로 초능력자들이 생겨난 세상. 초능력자들은 세상을 지배할 수 있는 강력한 힘의 하드디스크를 찾기 위해 혈안이 된다. 하지만 하드디스크의 행방은 묘연하고, 유일한 단서인 소녀 ‘로라’는 초능력자들의 타겟이 되어 쫓기고 마는데… 사라진 하드디스크를 찾아라! 지구 최후의 전쟁이 시작된다!
język polski