Alien Nation: Dark Horizon

In a recapitulation of the series' cliffhanger, ''Alien Nation: Dark Horizon'' begins with Susan Francisco and her daughter Emily falling victim to a newly developed viral infection that was created by a group of human Purists to exterminate the Tenctonese species. There is also a new sub-plot running parallel to this one, the story of Ahpossno, a Tenctonese Overseer who lands on Earth to find any surviving Tenctonese and bring them back into slavery. The idea of a signal sent into space by the surviving Overseers was explored in the ''Alien Nation (TV series)'' episode "Contact".

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Alien Nation Franchise

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In 1991 a flying saucer crashes in the Mojave Desert containing a race of extraterrestrials, the Tenctonese, escaping from slavery under a cruel Overseer race. They resemble humans, but have certain anatomical differences and have been bred with greater physical strength and intelligence. These Newcomers, as they are called, are accepted as the latest immigrants to America, and the franchise explores issues around their integration into the multicultural society of the US.

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