When criminal Cybernackists appear in the Cyberland, the vast 21st century computer networks, Alice, Miss Catnick, Leina, and Julie are drawn in by the mysterious Lucia to become a fighting force of young girl soldiers in the Cyberland to combat the criminal element.
NOTE: This title is actually a series with two episodes - one was lost, which is why someone made this entry a movie, but the lost episode is now found, so it really is a series!
Quando os cibernéticos criminosos aparecem na Ciberlândia, as vastas redes de computadores do século XXI, Alice, Miss Catnick, Leina e Julie são atraídas pela misteriosa Lúcia para se tornarem uma força de combate de jovens soldados na Ciberlândia para combater o elemento criminoso.
Português - Portugal