Lorsque Ali G apprend que le centre de loisirs qu'il fréquente va fermer, il décide d'entamer une grève de la faim et se fait remarquer par le chef du parti conservateur.
Ali G, ist ein `Gangster' der Gruppe West Staines Massive aus dem Londoner Vorort Staines. Da er sich an seinem Haupt-Scratch-Finger verletzt hat, lebt er seit Jahren von Sozialhilfe und bei seiner Großmutter. Als Nebenverdienst gibt er Kurse am John-Nike-Freizeitzentrum. Dieses soll geschlossen werden. Da Ali strikt dagegen ist, geht er in einen Hungerstreik und kettet sich bei einer Bushaltestelle an. Der Hungerstreik dauert nur wenige Minuten an, doch Ali bleibt angekettet.
El Centro de Ocio John Nike en West Staines va a cerrar por falta de fondos. A Ali G le preocupa el destino del club alternativo de boy scouts que ha estado dirigiendo hasta ese momento. Decidido a salvar el centro se encadena a una estación de autobuses de Staines. Así consigue llamar la atención del primer ministro, que andaba buscando a un joven intelectual que le ayudase a ganar las elecciones en Staines, y que cree haber encontrado en él al hombre que necesitaba. El político convence a Ali de que la mejor forma de salvar el centro es presentarse a las elecciones para el Gobierno, y Ali le toma la palabra
O rapper aspirante a gangster Ali G faz greve de fome em protesto contra a demolição do seu amado centro de lazer local, e consegue ser eleito para o Parlamento inglês.
Ali G is the leader of Da West Staines Massiv, a fictional gang composed of wannabe gangsters from Staines. Their chief rivals are Da East Staines Massiv. Da West Staines Massiv are heartbroken to learn that their beloved hangout (the John Nike Leisure Centre where Ali teaches a life support group for young schoolboys) will be demolished by the Local government in England so they decide to protest. After he goes on a hunger strike and is spotted chained to some railings by the Chancellor of the Exchequer and Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom David Carlton, he is drawn into a world of political intrigue as the Deputy Prime Minister tries to use Ali as a tool to destroy the Prime Minister's credibility. Ali is put forward as a candidate to be the next MP for Staines and manages to alienate most who cross his path. During a debate with his rival candidate, Ali tries to insult his rival by claiming that he "sucked off a horse" but the rival unintentionally confesses to Ali's claim and Ali wins.
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