تقدم المسرحية المستوحاة من خطاب الرئيس التونسي المخلوع زين العابدين بن علي عشية فراره من بلاده "أنا فهمتكم"، شخصية أبو صقر، رب الأسرة المستبد في بيته والذي صمّ آذانه عن مطالب أبنائه وزوجته، التي ارتفع سقفها حتى أصبحت كل التنازلات التي قدّمها "أبو صقر" غير مقبولة لديهم بسبب عناده وعدم إدراكه لحاجات أسرته.
Inspired by the speech of the ousted Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali on the eve of his escape from his country, “I understood you,” the play presents the character of Abu Saqr, the tyrannical head of the family in his home, who deafened his ears to the demands of his sons and his wife, whose ceiling rose until all the concessions made by “Abu Saqr.” “It is not acceptable to them because of his stubbornness and lack of awareness of the needs of his family.