После нелепого несчастного случая бизнесмен мошенник Севак и добрый ветеринарный врач Цолак Карпыч впадают в кому, а их души в приемную Добра и Зла. Вернутся к жизни они могут только после того, как выполнят особое задание. И вот тут и начинаются их невероятные приключения и многочисленные испытания.
Two completely different people get in a coma at the same time.One of them is really rich and cunning, the other lives in a village where works as a vet and is a very kind man.When by an accident the two of them get in a coma they appear in the middle of Heaven and The Earth.The dark and the white sides meet them and give them a request.If they get it done they live, if not, they die.But there are certain rules that the two of them need to follow which makes the request harder to accomplish.Their adventure towards the right to live is followed by funny accidents and stories.
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