Two high school students, Devon (Nikole Howell) and Jess Perkins (Savannah Matlow), have a crush on their teacher Ty Anderson (Bruce Kade), and they convince him to accept their friend requests on Facebook. Later, they report Anderson to Principal Wheatley (Art Roberts), saying that he made sexual comments to them on Facebook. Wheatley promptly fires Anderson, who snaps and kills Wheatley and his secretary Linda (Mindy Robinson). He overhears the girls discussing how they are going to a slumber party. Devon meets Jess and her sister Dee Dee (Simone Wasserman) at the party, along with their other friends Erin (Courtney Rood), Alex (Yasmine Soofi), Steph (Danika Galindo), and Laura (Lindsay Lamb). Nerds Max (Lonnie Alcide Gardner) and Joel (Nick Sinise) also arrive to spy on the girls.
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