In Victorian-era England, a Parish Councillor and criminal take refuge from a storm, at a remote countryside Inn, and soon uncover a deadly pact between the deranged Innkeepers and the flesh-hungry werewolves that inhabit the surrounding woodlands.
In Victorian-era England, a Parish Councillor and criminal take refuge from a storm, at a remote countryside Inn, and soon uncover a deadly pact between the deranged Innkeepers and the flesh-hungry werewolves that inhabit the surrounding woodlands.
In Victorian-era England, a Parish Councillor and criminal take refuge from a storm, at a remote countryside Inn, and soon uncover a deadly pact between the deranged Innkeepers and the flesh-hungry werewolves that inhabit the surrounding woodlands.
In Victorian-era England, a Parish Councillor and criminal take refuge from a storm, at a remote countryside Inn, and soon uncover a deadly pact between the deranged Innkeepers and the flesh-hungry werewolves that inhabit the surrounding woodlands.
En la Inglaterra de la época victoriana, un consejero parroquial y un criminal se refugian de una tormenta en una posada rural remota. Obligados a pasar la noche, pronto descubren un pacto mortal entre los extraños posaderos y los hombres lobo hambrientos de carne que habitan en los bosques circundantes ... ahora, mientras los hombres lobo se acercan, los invitados deben unirse y luchar con uñas y dientes para sobrevivir. ¡la noche!
Ve viktoriánské éře Anglie se farní radní a zločinec uchýlili před bouří v odlehlém venkovském hostinci. Když byli přinuceni zůstat přes noc, brzy odhalili smrtící smlouvu mezi podivnými Hostinskými a vlkodlaky hladovými po masech, kteří obývají okolní lesy ... nyní, když se vlkodlaci blíží, musí se hosté spojit a bojovat zuby a nehty, aby přežili noc!
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