Časosběrný dokumentární film sleduje propuštěného horníka Tomáše Hisema, který je donucen hledat si novou práci. Rázovitý padesátník Tomáš, přesvědčený fanda Baníku, se rozhodne rekvalifikovat na profesi programátora. Na své cestě je konfrontován s dnešním trhem práce a zcela novým prostředím, v němž se musí adaptovat.
For Tomáš the mine is the centre of his life, along with soccer, his kids and the cosy after-work beer. The 44-year-old has worked as a miner for 21 years, until the mine was closed down for economic reasons. Tomáš then re-trains as a coder in the appropriately named educational programme “New Shift”. What he doesn’t know yet is that his new skills alone won’t get him out of the crisis. A film about a tug-of-war with fate and the employment market.